
Tom’s Definitive Linux Software Roundup: Communications Apps

“We will go over Personal Information Managers (PIM), email
clients, Instant Messengers (IM), Voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP) software, and Internet Relay Chat (IRC) clients. That means
replacements for Outlook, Outlook Express, Trillian, and mIRC are
to be found within. Many of these apps you may already be using in
Windows. Mozilla Thunderbird, Skype, Pidgin IM, and others have
native Linux installations available, too.

“Semanticians may point out that most of these apps appear in
the Internet category in the Ubuntu Applications menu. So why
weren’t they in the last installment of Internet Apps? Well, these
apps started out in the Internet Apps section of this roundup, but
the Linux software environment is a diverse one, and I quickly
found that there were enough options out there to sub-divide
further. So, I had to come up with some form of distinction other
than what the GNOME menu gave me. It’s also true that some of these
apps, personal information managers in particular, may feel more at
home in the Office section of the Applications menu. Truth be told,
the upcoming Office Apps installment was actually written first
and, like Internet Apps, that one is a real monster as well. Hence,
some of the office software is making an appearance in this
segment, too.”

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