[ Thanks to Steven J.
Vaughan-Nichols for this link. ]
“Mac users have it much easier. To move from Leopard to Snow
Leopard, you just put the Snow Leopard DVD in the drive, let it
run, and that’s it — you’re done.“That’s one of the blessings of a Mac. Yes, they are more
expensive than PCs, but upgrading them is as simple as simple can
be. It takes me an average of four hours to upgrade a Vista system
to Windows 7, and eight hours from XP to Windows 7. It takes me
less than an hour with Snow Leopard. ‘Nuff said.“Ubuntu is almost as easy. With Ubuntu, you need to burn the ISO
image to a DVD or USB stick. After that, just like the Mac, you
just stick the media in, and, in just short of an hour, you’re
ready to go with the latest version of Ubuntu.“The same is true of any Linux distribution. Even switching from
one version of Linux to another, say Fedora to openSUSE, is easier
and far less time-consuming that any of the Windows 7