[ Thanks to Marc Adams for
this link. ]
The “Classics Illustrated” version of favorable Linux press
arrives from USA Today, with this thumbnail of recent favorable
statistics, friendly quotes from fans and executives, and a list of
some notable design wins. Positive stuff.
“…the heart of Linux, or kernel, is open and can be
continually tweaked. Microsoft’s code is proprietary. Linux was
created by Linus Torvalds of Finland, who, with others, used the
Internet to expand it. Thousands of programmers now work on it
because, they say, code should be improved for the good of society.
That extends the research arms of firms such as IBM and Intel,
which bundle Linux into hardware, and Oracle and SAP, which make
software to run on it. “Microsoft is competing against a faceless
enemy,” says Matthew Szulik, CEO of Red Hat, which resells Linux
with services.Not surprisingly, Microsoft casts Linux as a threat to
intellectual-property rights. It also says companies want its
fuller range of software solutions. “That’s where we think we’re
way ahead,” says Doug Miller, Microsoft competitive strategy