“For fifteen years, LISA conferences have been the leading forum
for system administrators to meet, learn, and exchange ideas on
every aspect of computer and network management. Today, the need
for LISA has never been clearer, as networks grow and large
computer systems are ever more apparent, not in monolithic form,
but as societies of smaller systems, cooperating towards common
“LISA’s refereed technical sessions cover the latest
developments, both in theory and in practice, while tutorials for
beginners and experienced attendees cover all aspects of network
and system administration. The Invited Talk and theme tracks
provide a selection of broader overviews on timely and entertaining
topics, while workshops allow small groups to work together on
subjects of special interest. LISA is a major social event, where
you will have the chance to meet some 2000 like-minded individuals
from all over the planet (and perhaps beyond), chat with them in
the hallways and parties, or re-group informally in small
Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions on impromptu topics.”