
Webopedia Term of the Day: What is Apple iOS?

“Apple’s mobile operating system for its iPhone, iPod touch,
iPad, Apple TV and similar devices. iOS was originally called the
iPhone OS but was renamed in 2010 to reflect the operating system’s
evolving support for additional Apple devices.

“Apple iOS is currently in v4.x release, with iOS 5 expected to
debut in late 2011, likely at the same time Apple introduces the
iPhone 5. Older devices such as the original iPhone and iPod touch
are not supported in the iOS 4 family of updates, and the iPhone 3G
and second-generation iPod Touch cannot be updated past iOS version

“The primary competitors to Apple iOS in the mobile operating
system space are Windows Phone 7, Google’s Android OS, and the
BlackBerry OS. Apple iOS does have a head start in the apps
department, with its App Store already featuring more than 500,000
third-party applications.”


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