
What will come after Linux?

[ Thanks to Locutus
for this link. ]

“Lets face it. Nothing lasts for ever. No matter how
much we enjoy that perfect meal, movie, romance or whatever it will
always be relegated to the past. The same with operating systems.
They have come and gone. While there still may be pockets of them
floating around in obscure places, such operating systems like DOS,
OS/2, AmigaOS, GEOS and windows are either dead, dying or, like a
turtle on its back, scrabbling around feverishly but going nowhere.

“As much as I like Linux and wish that it live long and prosper.
I am also one who likes to think about the future. So I started
wondering. What is there that can follow in Linuxs footsteps?
Perhaps it will be BSDs turn under the spotlight, perhaps it will
be another. I am not sure what will happen. One thing I am sure of
is that there are many, many choices available.

“I do think that the time of proprietary operating systems are
coming to a close. There are too many free and open source
solutions available and the most important part of any computing
system, the data, can be easily transferred between them.”

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