
Windows unsafe for online banking? Shopping?

[ Thanks to Steven J.
for this link. ]

“The most prominent example of this is The Washington
Post’s security columnist, Brian Krebs. Krebs recently recommended
that after interviewing “dozens of victim companies that lost
anywhere from $10,000 to $500,000 dollars because of a single
malware infection,” he’s now recommending that, “commercial online
banking customers consider accessing their accounts solely from
non-Windows systems.”

“As Krebs points out, he’s not the only one. The Financial
Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center, an online
financial-sector security forum recommends business users, “”carry
out all online banking activity from a standalone, hardened, and
locked-down computer from which e-mail and Web browsing is not

“Why businesses in particular? Because, as Krebs explains in
another story, Businesses and consumers do not enjoy the same legal
protections when banking online as consumers. Consumers typically
have up to 60 days from the receipt of a monthly statement to
dispute any unauthorized charges… Commercial banking customers
have roughly two business days to spot and dispute unauthorized
activity if they want to hold out any hope of recovery.””

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