“Scrivener is a tool for outlining, storyboarding, writing, and
editing longer-form writing — think books, lengthy reports,
movie scripts, and so on. Scrivener started as an app for Mac OS X,
but there’s been a steady stream of users who’ve asked the company
to produce a Windows and/or Linux version. Turns out, the company
has been listening and is working on a beta for Linux and it’s
looking pretty good.“Scrivener has been on my radar for a few years as an example of
the application gap between Linux and other desktop platforms. Even
though it’s not yet ready for prime time, I thought it’d be worth
looking at now. For one thing, I’d like to drive awareness of the
Linux beta to help give feedback to the company and support
companies that are targeting the Linux desktop. Second, Scrivener
might help more users decide to make the switch from Mac or Windows
to Linux — if writing is the primary use of a computer,
Scrivener may tip the balance in favor of Linux.”