Thanks to Rick Baker
for this announcement.
The WWWThreads project has gone into commercial development.
With this change comes new features, better support, and more
active development.
WWWThreads is a fast/reliable discussion forum. Combining and
adding upon the best features of available forum packages it offers
a multitude of end user options that allow the forum operator and
the end user to customize the forums to their liking. These options
include both flat or threaded displays, expandable and collapsable
threads, various post layouts, private messages, user profiles,
search engines, file attachments, board subscriptions and more. A
total admin package includes moderators, categorized boards,
unlimited boards, hidden boards, ban/unban username or ip, close
threads, expire threads and more. Runs off of Mysql for reliability
and will run under mod perl for speed.
New features added for WWWThreads Pro. More code optimization.
Real moderation can be turned on or off on a per board basis, so
posts must be approved before they are visible. An online screen
showing the latest activity of logged in users. Pictures in the
profiles and more. New features being added daily.
Source code is still available when purchasing WWWThreads pro,
so it can be modified to suit individual needs.
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