“My, how time flies. Things sure have come a long way since I
started writing on open source issues for ZDNet a hundred columns
“In the two years since, the complaints about Linux have gone
- “It’s just a toy” to
- “So it’s not a toy, but it can’t run reliably” to
- “So it’s reliable, but there are no apps” to
- “So it’s got apps, but nobody’s using it in a corporate
setting” to - “So people are using in a corporate setting, but Oracle’s not
supporting it” to - “So Oracle supports it, but there’s no commercial help-desk
support” to - “So there’s commercial support, but where are the hardware
vendors” to - “So IBM’s putting a billion bucks into Linux, but there’s no
enterprise support” to - “So there’s now enterprise support, let me think of something
“One by one the objections have fallen. Bit by bit (pardon the
pun) the people who code, document, and market Linux have dealt
with the obstacles, technical or otherwise….”