O.k. Some of this is an invitation to walk down memory lane with
some of the columns that have infuriated Linux advocates most in
the past few weeks, plus Bruce Perens’ response. The bulk of the
column, though, maintains that without mainstream media support in
the form of professional, mainstream Linux journalists, the desktop
is doomed.
He’s also very positive regarding the media presence of some
open source/Free Software notables such as Eric Raymond, Richard
Stallman, and Linus Torvalds. In the end, though, this column
maintains that the machinations of big media may well seal Linux’s
One final note on this item, before handing you off to the
customary summary and link:
The “dead Linux desktop meme” the national tech punditry has
been getting so much mileage out of most definitely predates the
item Mr. Kingman mentions in his column. We peg it as getting its
start closer to
Andrew Leonard’s gloomy farewell to Eazel, Tim O’Reilly’s
watery and obscure surrender in the name of capturing the
webtop, or Kevin Reichard’s
brazen declaration of outright death.
“Publishers create magazines not just to provide
information to readers, but primarily to make money by selling
advertising. Publishers at this point in history view Linux as a
technology with a limited number of potential advertisers. They
don’t believe they can create financially viable magazines that
focus solely on Linux because the advertiser base isn’t there. And
without dedicated Linux titles, the opportunities for dedicated
Linux writers (and supporters, because who doesn’t support what
they know?) are few.Look at the track record of Linux publications. Linux Journal
has published with moderate success for many years, but it isn’t
exactly mainstream, with its high geek-jargon quotient. A few
independent publishers have brought forth modest titles like the
very competent Linux Magazine and the controlled circulation (read
“free”) Open. So far, the mainstream publishers have stayed away
though.On the Web, where the barrier to entry is lower, the outlook is
no rosier. IDG’s LinuxWorld recently shut its doors. Internet.com
has scaled back its leading Linux site, LinuxToday, and mothballed