
Apache Today: The January 2001 Netcraft Web Server Survey is out: Apache slips, IIS gains

[ Thanks to Tim
for this link. ]

Top Developers

         Developer December 2000  Percent January 2001  Percent Change         
         Apache          15414726   60.04      16207982   58.75  -1.29         
         Microsoft        5027023   19.58       5903512   21.40   1.82         
         iPlanet          1722228    6.71       1772154    6.42  -0.29         

Top Servers

           Server        December 2000 Percent January 2001 Percent Change     
     Apache                   15414726   60.04     16207982   58.75  -1.29     
     Microsoft-IIS             5025017   19.57      5901507   21.39   1.82     
     Netscape-Enterprise       1682737    6.55      1733097    6.28  -0.27     
     WebLogic                   890791    3.47      1004571    3.64   0.17     
     Zeus                       676526    2.63       693684    2.51  -0.12     
     Rapidsite                  365807    1.42       371441    1.35  -0.07     
     thttpd                     321944    1.25       343172    1.24  -0.01     
     tigershark                 139300    0.54       150937    0.55   0.01     
     AOLserver                  125513    0.49       127980    0.46  -0.03     
     WebSitePro                 110681    0.43       113480    0.41  -0.02   

“Microsoft-IIS had its first big rise in almost a year, gaining
1.8% of the web. Around 600,000 of these sites are on Digital
Island’s network. The relatively static market share for
Microsoft on the web as a whole contrasts sharply with its progress
in our companion SSL Server Survey where Microsoft makes consistent
and relentless gains, month after month, and now accounts for 49%
of the sites performing encrypted transactions on the

“Linuxworld is proceeding at time of writing, and significant
early announcements include Silicon Graphics appointing Paul
McNamara, previously VP of Business Development at Red Hat as VP
responsible for Opensource. IRIX’s share of the web has been in
decline since Netcraft first developed operating systems detection,
and SGI may now feel that they have little to lose by a
wholehearted endorsement of Linux. SGI has more revenues than the
Linux industry companies put together, and if it can sustain its
customers attention, it could make the transition to a Linux
platform more readily than HP or IBM, which have significant value
in their own proprietary platforms.”


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