[ Thanks to Kevin
Mack for this link. ]
“Sometimes I suspect Bill Gates doesn’t sleep so well at night.
Not out of any guilt over his billions or the alleged mediocrity of
his product. No, I wonder whether he might actually worry about the
competition. Not Apple (though that iPod MP3 player is a killer
toy, and I’m cheerfully typing these words on an Apple PowerBook
G4). No, I’ll bet Linux and its creator, Linus Torvalds, cross
Gates’s mind when he’s looking up at the ceiling late at night.“On the surface, Linus vs. Bill seems to be the ultimate David
vs. Goliath contest. It appears to pit the man who cheerfully gives
away his code against the guy who ruthlessly seeks every last penny
for it. You’d expect Gates would squash Torvalds. Yet they have
more in common than you might think. And the final score in their
high-stakes rivalry could end up surprisingly close…”