“Linux will go mainstream in the data center in 2003. Why?
Because the open-source operating system delivers Unix reliability
at Intel prices and has strong support from vendors such as
Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle and SAP. But executives still wonder
about the right Linux strategy.“Forrester recently spoke with 50 large North American companies
with Linux experience and 28 vendors helping customers with Linux
solutions. From these conversations, we conclude that Linux will
take over most new Unix workloads in the data center over the next
five years–mostly on Intel-based servers. But executives have lots
of questions about how to make this transition. Among them:“What risks do I face in adopting Linux?
Very few. There is no risk that IBM or HP will abandon Linux, and
it’s only a matter of time before software makers will port their
applications to Linux. The only material risk is that Sun
Microsystems will co-opt Linux by adding Solaris features that the
Linux community rejects–causing a splintering in the Linux world.
Forrester believes that Sun won’t do this. Why not? Because buyers
want open standards and the freedom to buy low-cost servers. That
pressure will keep Sun from co-opting Linux and risking alienating
its customers…”
CNET/Forrester: Linux Questions and Answers
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