
CNET: Study: SuSE Leads in Linux Improvements

“Linux has improved significantly in the last two years, a new
study released Thursday has found, with a version from SuSE edging
out that of rival Red Hat in the businesses features race.

“Since D.H. Brown Associates last reviewed Linux, versions of
the operating system from SuSE and Red Hat have moved from ‘OK’ to
“good.” Debian made a bigger leap, from ‘weak’ to ‘good,’ but still
lags the other two versions.

“‘In every category, SuSE either held first place or tied Red
Hat for that position,’ the study said, with a particular advantage
in systems management. SuSE’s edge came from its practice of
adopting new features quickly, but, ‘some competitors argue that
SuSE ships those technologies before they are entirely ready for
production use,’ the study said…”


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