
ComputerWeekly.com: Strategy Clinic: Adopting Linux

[ Thanks to T
for this link. ]

“I keep reading about Linux, how it doesn’t cost anything, how
it is a viable alternative to Microsoft. Is this true? If I wanted
to try it out, dip my toe in, where would you suggest I start?”

“Linux is just another operating systems, is it not? As such, it
may be an alternative to some of Microsoft’s versions of Windows
but is hardly a basis, on its own, for an alternative software
strategy. For that you need to consider the availability of
application software. Microsoft’s Office suite (Word, Excel etc) is
not currently available for use with Linux, for example.

“Proponents of Linux will point out that alternate software, for
almost any business requirement, is available and is often better
than the Microsoft equivalent. Your users will want to test such
claims out for themselves. For them, the sheer inconvenience of
changing their familiar user interface may exceed any theoretical

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