[ Thanks to Trey Tabner
for this link. ]
“10 years ago, an association of top Unix Resellers located
throughout the US and Canada formed an association. They stated
their purpose as one in which they could work with one another to
provide Unix (and now, Linux) customers with what they claim as the
best possible products, support and service.”
“Their members have worked successfully together on many
projects and bring their expertise to the Linux/UNIX channel. They
quietly do the work that allows Linux to thrive. You don’t hear
much about them but they make up a large part of what allowed
Compaq to do close to a billion dollars in server sales in the
Intel UNIX and Linux space last year.”
“When you read about the SCO channel and how Caldera can
benefit from a vague reference to some resellers “out there”,
you’re reading about this association. These professionals make up
what some see as SCO’s premiere resellers. But without iXorg, would
SCO have premiere resellers?“