
Debian Tops Our Community Distro Poll

The results have been tallied and Debian got the most votes in our Community Distro Poll. We would call them the “winner,” but this wasn’t about winners and losers. It was about trying to reach a consensus on what we mean by the term “community distro.” We asked, “Which GNU/Linux distros do you consider to be legitimate community distros?” Choices weren’t limited to one; voters could choose as many as they wanted and even add more through a text box supplied by choosing “Other.” Here at FOSS Force, we thought we had a clear understanding of the term “community distro” until Christine Hall singled out a particular distro as not being one. This resulted in all heck breaking loose in her article’s comments. It appeared that Ms. Hall had inadvertently offended some users of that distro, who were adamant in their insistence that they were as much a community distro as any other brand of Linux.

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