
Does the open source label still matter?

[ Thanks to Ron
for this link. ]

“Last week we reported that Cheryl McKinnon, left
“proprietary” vendor Open Text and joined “open source” vendor
Nuxeo. Nuxeo brought Cheryl on board to be their Chief Marketing
Officer in order to take Nuxeo to a new level in the market place.
That much is obvious since that is what marketing is all about, but
it got me thinking how different life might be for Cheryl in the
“open source” world, and after talking to her, I’m not entirely
sure it will be that much different.

“Joe ‘Zonker’ Brockmeier, who is openSUSE Community Manager says
one major difference he sees for the open source product,
especially when dealing with a company like Nuxeo, is the
flexibility it gives customers. “Working with a corporate sponsored
open source project can offer the best of both worlds, as you can
work to shape the product with the paid developers and meet user
needs,” he says.”

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