
eWeek: Sun Sees Opportunity in IBM-SCO Showdown

[ Thanks to Matt for
this link. ]

“Sun Microsystems Inc. is wasting no time prepping to take
advantage of any potential customer fallout from the looming battle
between the SCO Group and IBM over Big Blue’s license for AIX, its
Unix operating system.

“SCO has said it will revoke IBM’s license to ship AIX as it
claims Big Blue has violated the terms and conditions of that
license by giving its customers unauthorized access to Unix source
code and for ‘giving away’ parts of the code to the open-source
community and Linux…

“Sun, meanwhile, is preparing to launch a campaign known as the
AIX to Solaris Migration Program. The program and advertising
campaign around it, due to be launched next week once SCO has
announced that it is going to pull IBM’s AIX license, is designed
to offer concerned AIX customers a migration path to Sun’s Solaris
version of Unix–for which it has a paid license with SCO…”


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