[ Thanks to Benoit des Ligneris for
this link. ]
“Last Friday, I did a presentation to a group of medium
businesses. The audience was about 20 IT directors of businesses
between 100 and 500 employees (Medium Businesses . A first
presentation was made by another presenter about Open Source in
general : basic principles, licence/freedom, ecosystem, business
model. As a consequence, we could say that Free Libre and Open
Source Software (FLOSS) was introduced before my talk.“Every organization in the room use FLOSS. 90% of them ran some
kind of FLOSS and were aware of it : Asterisk, Apache, CMS, etc.
10% used some kind of appliance or third-party (SaaS) with FLOSS
inside.“Initial presentation : Success stories of Open Source
deployment“My presentation was articulated around different business cases
/ success story. In each case, the initial business goal was stated