
How To Speed Up Drupal 7.7 With Boost And nginx (Debian Squeeze)

[ Thanks to Falko
for this link. ]

“This tutorial shows how you can speed up your Drupal 7.7
installation on a LAMP stack (Debian Squeeze) with the help of
Boost and nginx. Boost provides static page caching for Drupal
enabling a very significant performance and scalability boost for
sites that receive mostly anonymous traffic. Boost makes sure that
your logged-in users always get fresh content by not caching pages
for logged-in users. In a first step I will show how to make your
site faster by enabling Boost on a normal LAMP stack (Apache2, PHP,
MySQL), and in a second step I explain how to make your site even
faster by using nginx as a reverse proxy sitting in front of Apache
and delivering the static HTML pages cached by Boost. nginx
delivers static files a lot of faster than Apache and uses less

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