“Novell is in a pickle. Anyone who knows or cares about
directory services seems to think that Novell Directory Services
(NDS) is the ultimate solution. NDS has a distinct advantage over
Active Directory: It is a relatively platform-neutral solution in a
heterogeneous world.”
“Novell’s problems are numerous. Few people understand directory
services, and even fewer grasp how important they are. For those
who do get the big picture, Novell is often off the radar screen.
You can blame some of that on inadequate marketing.”
“Novell has to be willing to bet the company on its last chance
to establish NDS as the foundation for Internet directory services.
The company has to launch a marketing campaign to end all marketing
campaigns with its most intense concentration on large Internet and
application service providers. Novell should seed the market making
NDS free to anyone who manages a directory with 50 users or fewer.
Finally, Novell should open the source code to ride the Linux