
Into the zone with VMware?

[ Thanks to Ken Hess
for this link. ]

“First, let’s look at what a Zone is. A Zone is a secure
directory on a filesystem that contains most of a full root
filesystem. By referring to a ‘root’ filesystem, it generally means
that the host system is Linux or UNIX. But, it doesn’t have to be
Linux or UNIX. It could be Windows. Yes, Windows. It’s a topic of a
separate post but you can create zoned Windows installs too. It’s
non-trivial to do so but it can be done.

“Inside that secure directory, you can run processes, install
software, create subdirectories, login, use a separate IP address
and do just about anything you want with one exception: You can’t
run a different operating system. Your zones use the system kernel.
So, you can’t run a Windows Zone on a Linux host.

“This is not full virtualization, it is operating system-level
virtualization and it’s a very good thing.”

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