“SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 represents a significant step
forward for GUI-based enterprise server operating systems. While
others are still fiddling with the 2.4 kernel, Novell has jumped up
to 2.6, adding several exclusive features that make SLES9 stand
above its competition. On its surface SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
9 looks like a somewhat reduced version of SUSE Linux 9.1
Professional, but its most exciting features are hidden beneath the
familiar green and blue GUI. Slackware or BSD servers are unlikely
to be replaced by SUSE and its fancy interface, but Windows Server
2003 has no prayer against this production-quality server OS.“First let’s start with the basics: SUSE of any flavor is easy
to install, maintain, and manage, and SLES9 is not a disappointment
in that regard. The only trouble SLES9 has is in installing and
activating the boot loader when a serial ATA controller is present
(and unused) in the system. I never discovered a workaround for
this, and the problem was verified by other sources with different
Linux.com: Review: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
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