“Broadband Internet access (both DSL and Cable) is always
on, giving crackers a continual opportunity to probe your computers
for weaknesses for breakins, if for no reason than to attack
more high profile sites such as Yahoo, the White House, or perhaps
the Pentagon.”
“The experience of having your home or business computers
violated is unpleasant. This forum will address those threats and
suggest countermeasures.”
“Beyond that, it will cover threats to privacy, Keeping secrets
on the net (pgp, ssl, ssh, vpns, secure email, etc.); Creating
anonymity on the net (anonymous network clients, remailers, etc.);
Data Havens (protecting data on the net, e.g., Freenet,
steganographic havens); and Medical records, both paper and
electronic, and will seek solutions from the other technologies
covered, and from the audience, to protect the privacy of this
most-private data.”