“For the first time, this year’s LinuxTag, commencing on 29 June
2000 in Stuttgart, Germany, opens with the LinuxTag Business
“This Business-to-Business Conference focuses on the
professional use of Open-Source-Software and on Linux as the
operating system for data processing. The conference will be
officially opened by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und
Technologie (BMWi) (Ministry of Industry and Technology), which has
taken over patronage for LinuxTag 2000.”
“The LinuxTag Business Congress is specially designed for
the IT manager and IT expert. There will be presentations of
solutions and experiences using Open-Source-Software. There
will also be detailed explanations of the “Free Software”
phenomenon. Products and technology born or based on this
development will be presented as well as an examination of the
business factors which have proven successful in the Open-Source
sector. The principal objective is the exchange of information for
effective decision making dealing with IT infrastructure and the
planning of IT strategies.”