“Easy installation, no application modification and low cost
allows midsize and smaller firms to present their documents
“Synergetic Data Systems, Inc…..announced the release of
UnForm v4.0. Significant in this release of UnForm is the ability
for users of Unix applications to integrate electronic documents
into their processing, and provide access to those documents via
web browsers, email, or Adobe Acrobat Readers. Benefiting from this
announcement is mid-to small-sized manufacturers, distributors and
other organizations with character based business systems whose
output is restricted to dull, hard to read reports. Now they have a
tool to present customers with an electronic document complete with
a logo, graphics and bar codes. Prior to UnForm, graphical output
from a character-based system was not possible without extensive
application modification.”
“Weekly, from our Unix accounting system, we print out sales
reports for our sales associates. Prior to UnForm these reports
were character based and hard to read. Additionally, it was costing
thousands of dollars per year to courier, fax, and mail them out”
said Elizabeth Hansen, Information Systems Manager, CoMedical, Inc.
“UnForm allows our documents to look much more professional, plus
sending an electronic PDF document via e-mail saves CoMedical
thousands of dollars in time and costs.”