
Microsoft Linux: Why one free software advocate wants it

“Keith Curtis, author of the book After the Software Wars, says
just that. But he goes further. He thinks Microsoft and its
customers would be better off if the company ditched Windows and
instead built its own version of the Linux operating system.

“These topics came up yesterday during my interview with Curtis
for Network World’s Panorama Podcast series. It was an interesting
conversation with someone who has crossed over worlds, from
Microsoft employee to free software advocate. But it raised as many
questions in my mind as it answered. For instance (at 13:10 in the
interview), I asked Curtis how he thinks Microsoft can meet its
obligations to employees, shareholders and customers while also
morphing itself from a proprietary software maker to an open source
company. His answer was surprising: Microsoft Linux. He noted that
Ubuntu was started with about $10 million — an amount that
Microsoft could lose unnoticed in the cushions of a couch.”


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