
Network Based Ubuntu Installations

[ Thanks to Ramsai
for this link. ]

“This article by Christer Edwards, outlines how to
install Ubuntu using the network installer. This utility allows you
to install directly over the network, instead of using a CD or DVD
image. It does require a small CD boot image, but beyond that it is
entirely network dependent.

“These steps can be used to install over the WAN from a public
Ubuntu repository, or over the LAN from an exported Ubuntu CD or
private repository. Network installations are generally faster than
CD based installations, particularly when done over a Local Area

“I will first outline the requirements and how to get started
with a network installation. Next I will walk through a network
installation including screenshots for every step. I will also
include text descriptions of each step and screenshot.


“In order to install a machine over the network you’ll need the
network installer image. Unfortunately these images are not well
publicized, and rarely listed alongside the other .ISO images. For
this reason I have included direct download links to the 32bit and
64bit images.”

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