
NewsForge: Red Hat Realignment Opens Door for Red Carpet

“Earlier this year Red Hat said it would drop Red Hat Linux to
focus exclusively on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In September the
company announced that the community-based Fedora project would
replace what used to be the free version of Red Hat Linux.
Yesterday Red Hat told its customers when it would end support of
Red Hat 9. Those developments raised important questions for Ximian
Desktop users. Would Ximian support Red Hat Enterprise Linux or
Fedora? And would the company position its Red Carpet service as
the natural successor to Red Hat Network (RHN), since those who
don’t step up to Enterprise Linux will be left without RHN support
for Fedora?

“To the relief of many, Novell’s recent purchase of Ximian has
not altered the organization’s basic market strategy…”


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