
Oracle v. Google – Breaking News – Oracle and Google Agree On Time Of Day

“The problem they are running into is that the court directed
them to find experts within the Northern District of California.
While they have identified at least eight experts, they all are
either unavailable, have a conflict with respect to one of the
parties, or are deemed unsuitable by at least one party.

Judge Alsup has issued a new Order re Search for Rule 706
Experts [PDF], in which he removes the requirement that they come
from the judicial district. But Judge Alsup has given the parties
only until Wednesday, August 3, to either jointly or individually
submit the names of potential experts. If the parties are unable to
jointly agree, the judge will name the experts from the names or,
if no names or an insufficient number of names are submitted, the
judge will conduct his own search, and that will likely delay the


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