
Palm webOS 1.2 Debuts Sans iTunes Sync

“The two rivals had been involved in a back-and-forth standoff
over the feature, which allowed the Pre to pose as an iPod by using
the iPod’s vendor identification number, and therefore transfer
content through a direct link iTunes, rather than through
third-party software as other devices do.

“Palm launched the Pre with direct iTunes sync, touting it as a
major feature, but Apple responded by blocking it with the next
version of its iTunes software. Palm replaced it when it updated
webOS shortly after, only to see Apple disable it again with the
Sept. 9 release of iTunes 9.

“During that time, Palm asked the USB standards group to make a
ruling on Apple’s moves, claiming the iPhone maker was thwarting
competition and therefore violating the USB Implementers Forum
compliance agreement. Palm’s strategy backfired, however, with the
USB board ruling that Palm was at fault.”

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