
PC Week: Only level heads will get Linux in business

“During our initial meeting, some Linux advocates were railing
about “benchmarketing,” but the more intelligent ones were using
the opportunity to improve their operating system. In fact, the Red
Hat guys spent an extra day at our labs stress-testing some of the
new code developed during the benchmarking.”

“My experience showed me that the Linux community faces a tough
road to the promised land of the enterprise. It must perform a
makeover not unlike my transformation from bayou bumpkin to Silicon
savant. Not only does Linux need better architecture and
management, but the Linux image also needs a lot of polish. First
and foremost, the stupid people need to shut up and let the more
intelligent folks speak.”

“A fanatical following got the Mac OS nowhere fast; to call it a
niche OS now is to pay it a compliment. The button-down corporate
community has no appetite for the fanatical rantings of a fringe
community, and companies trying to make money off Linux should have
no time for them either.”

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