
Presswire: Use of intranets increased by 50% in 1 year, but users disappointed

“National Computing Centre’s IT User survey 1999.”

“66% of companies either have, or are in a state of developing,
intranets, says a survey launched today by the National Computing
Centre – a 50% increase since last year. However, over a quarter of
those who have an intranet are disappointed with its impact on
their businesses.

“The report found that the majority of organisations began
intranet applications by publishing company-wide information.
However, once installed, the intranet is likely to be used more for
workflow and groupware applications with 70% of intranet- enabled
respondents expecting some kind of workflow or groupware use in the
next two years.

“Nearly two-thirds of responding organisations asserted that
they would be using some kind of thin client technology within the
next two years. This is not, however, expected to be a business-
wide adoption, but rather a piece-meal application to meet specific
project needs. The survey also highlighted quite widespread
acceptance of Linux when it was evaluated, but a reluctance on the
part of many companies to evaluate it at all.”

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