[ Thanks to Falko
Timme for this link. ]
“In continuation of my document
http://www.howtoforge.com/qmail-openldap-on-ubuntu about setting up
qmail-ldap on Ubuntu this document will help you to set up
Qmail-Scanner with ClamAV antivirus and SpamAssassin spamfilter.“Introduction
“Qmail-Scanner is an add-on that enables a Qmail email server to
scan email for certain characteristics. It is typically used for
its anti-virus and anti-spam protection functions, in which case it
is used in conjunction with external scanners. It also enables a
site (at a server/site level) to create “Policy blocks”: i.e. react
to email that contains specific strings in particular headers, or
particular attachment filenames or types (e.g. *.EXE
attachments).“Its archival features helps ISPs and corporations around the
world with new or pending legislation, and regulatory requirements.
It can archive all processed email into an archive maildir. This is
ideal for backup purposes for audit policy reasons.”