
Regional Nagios Server Setup

[ Thanks to Andrew
for this link. ]

“Regional Nagios Server Set Up

“The major goal of the regional server is to distribute the
results of all service checks to the central server. The regional
Nagios machines must use OCSP and OCHP in order to send the proper
updates to the central server.

“Part One: Passive Checks Course
Part Two: Central Server
Part Three: Regional Server
Nagios Training Course
Nagios Manua

“The blue represents the regional server so that it is
transferring the information that it collects from the servers,
routers and switches it is monitoring to the central Nagios server.
The same settings for NSCA that you did for passive checks will
have to be set up for this server and you will need to use the same
password and encryption scheme as on the central server. See that
link as it has not been repeated here.”


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