
SearchOpenSource: Open Source IT Management Ready for Prime Time, says Hyperic CEO

[ Thanks to Jane Walker for this link.

SearchOpenSource.com: First, get specific. How do you
describe IT management and the way it relates to open

Javier Soltero: IT management is the ability
to build out and divert assets, machines and server services; to be
able to monitor everything, control discoveries and do event
management. It is also log tracking, configuration tracking and so
forth. The key message for IT management today is that open source
IT management is enterprise-ready. When I see vendors like MySQL
taking a step toward that belief, it really helps validate that
this is a real option within a collaborative ecosystem [Editor’s
note: At the time of this interview’s publication MySQL AB and
JBoss Inc. announced their intent to join Hyperic’s Embedded
Management program and distribute Hyperic HQ as part of their own
open source products]…”

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