
Tiny Web Proxy And Content Filtering Appliance On CentOS 6 (Version 1.4)

[ Thanks to Falko
for this link. ]

“Go to http://www.centos.org and get the latest i386 based ISO
image of CentOS 6 (CentOS-6.0-i386-minimal.iso). Although the usual
recommended version for a modern server is x64 but as we are trying
to create a small virtual machine the i386 will suffice for our

“Start up the VMware Virtual Player and create a new virtual
machine with the following hardware parameters: name –
virtual-proxy, hard disk – 8Gb. Press the “Customize the hardware”
button and delete the floppy, USB controller, printer and sound
card, set the amount of memory to 512Mb. Switch the network adapter
from ‘NAT’ mode into ‘Bridged’. Point the virtual CDROM to the ISO
image that you have downloaded earlier and start the virtual

“Follow the steps of the CentOS install wizard mostly accepting
the defaults. Configure machine hostname as “proxy” and root
password as “P@ssw0rd” (without quotation marks). Now wait a little
until the installation is complete and then reboot the system.”

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