
Two on Oracle: Unbreakable Turns 1, Oracle Undeterred by SCO Shenannigans

[ Thanks to Matt for
these links. ]

eWeek: Oracle Closes In on ‘Unbreakable Linux’

“One year to the day after announcing its Unbreakable Linux
initiative, Dave Dargo, the vice president of Oracle Corp.’s Linux
Program Office, took to the stage at the Enterprise Linux Forum at
the Santa Clara, Calif., convention center on Friday to talk about
how Oracle has achieved most of its goals for that initiative.

“‘Our partnerships have really filled out there. Along with Red
Hat, we are working with the SuSE engineering team on behalf of
UnitedLinux, and all our hardware partners are on board with regard
to Unbreakable Linux. We’re really at a point where everything we
talked about in the past is now present tense,’ he told eWEEK in an
interview following his keynote…”


InfoWorld: Lawsuit Won’t Stop Linux, Oracle Exec Says

“An ongoing legal challenge to Linux is not likely to stop the
market’s march to Linux overall, but it may stall some movement to
the open source platform, an Oracle official said at the Enterprise
Linux Forum conference here on Friday…

“‘I think [the lawsuit] causes drag but it’s not causing drag at
Oracle. We are full speed ahead. We have seen nothing that tells us
we should change our stance on Linux,’ Dargo said…”


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