
Ubuntu: Canonical Focuses on Wall Street

[ Thanks to Joe
for this link. ]

“Call it a small but strategic step in the right
direction. Following in the footsteps of Red Hat and Novell, the
folks at Canonical are positioning Ubuntu for use by Wall Street
firms. Some details about the effort could surface on April 19,
during the HPC (High Performance Computing) Linux Financial Markets
conference in New York. Here are some details.

“Canonical won’t take center stage at the conference. But the
software company does plan to exhibit Ubuntu at the show.

“Smart move. Wall Street has been especially good to the Linux
movement. In recent years, many financial services firms made the
leap of faith from Sun’s SPARC/Solaris combo to Red Hat Enterprise
Linux or Novell SUSE Linux in order to gain low-cost application
freedom on industry standard hardware.”

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