
Update: Novell.com: Joint Letter to the Open Source Community From Novell and Microsoft

“Today’s announcement of the collaboration between Microsoft and
Novell marks the beginning of a new era: Microsoft is coming to
terms with Linux.

“Over the past six years, we’ve seen the effect that the open
source community has had on Microsoft. They’ve shared some source
code, driven community projects like IronPython and WiX, and they
continue to work with a number of open source software companies
like JBoss, SugarCRM, XenSource, and Zend.

“However, today’s news is a big step forward for the Linux
market. Today, for the first time, Microsoft is collaborating
directly with a Linux and Open Source software vendor. With this
news, Microsoft is saying that Linux is an important part of the IT


Linux-Watch: Hell Freezes Over: Microsoft, Novell Partner on

“As significant as those developments are, perhaps the biggest
news is that Novell and Microsoft announced an agreement to provide
each other’s customers with patent coverage for their respective
products. These agreements will be in place until at least 2012.
The patent cooperation agreement enables Microsoft and Novell to
give customers assurance of protection against patent infringement
claims. It gives customers confidence that the technologies they
use and deploy in their environments are compliant with the two
companies’ patents…”


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