“UserLinux would be a system for both desktop and server use in
businesses of all sizes. The User in the name stands for the fact
that the expense of producing UserLinux is supported by its users
on an engineering and service fee basis, rather than through
software sales. It is not an attempt to produce a ‘Linux for
Grandma,’ but is usable by the millions of people with the
technical skill to run GNU/Linux systems at home, many of whom do
so to facilitate their business or employment. Of course we’ll take
advantage of improvements in user friendliness as they are
developed, however it’s not our intent to lead their
development.“UserLinux is intended to be given away via free download and
sold at retail in a user-friendly package. The data for the retail
package design, manual, and CD will be made available for download,
so that anyone can duplicate and sell the retail package…”