
Will Ubuntu make to Mainframes?

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]

“A recent development between IBM and Canonical, predicts that
soon IBM’s p mini-computers and blades; System
Z mainframes will be certified for use with Ubuntu. It is most
likely that minicomputers should be running on Ubuntu in the next
month or so, while mainframes could well receive full support by
end of the month.

“In the past couple of years, Canonical, the commercial front of
Ubuntu has been steadily building products for online technologies
and has debuted its Ubuntu Server as well as Ubuntu One, as a cloud
OS. And tying up with the best in the industry for hardware,
IBM’s System p Power Hardware series and the
much talked about System z mainframes will increase
Ubuntu’s reach. RedHat and Suse have
traditionally dominated servers/cloud computing for enterprises for
a long time now. In fact, IBM has had Linux-platform support for
close to eleven years now.”

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