
Arch Linux-Based ArchEX Distro Updated with LXQt 0.11.1 and Linux Kernel 4.11.6

Powered by Linux kernel 4.11.6-3, the same version that’s also available upstream in the stable repositories of the popular Arch Linux operating system, ArchEX Build 170626 is now using the latest Mozilla Firefox 54.0 web browser, Yaourt package manager, and Calamares installer, all built on top of the LXQt 0.11.1 desktop environment. ArchEX wants to be a 64-bit Linux Live DVD based on Arch Linux, designed for the experienced Linux user who’s not scared of using the command-line to either compile software from sources or update the installation. Being based on Arch Linux, ArchEX is always updated with the latest package versions and security patches.

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