Who knew that one day we’d be looking back to a film noirish, crime and punishment newspaper comic strip called Dick Tracy from the 1930s through the 1980s to define and illustrate our future for us, but that’s precisely what’s happening now that the smart money is betting that Apple is soon to unveil some sort of smart wristwatch. We’ll assume it’ll be Internet connected and that you’ll be able to communicate using the thing. We’ll also assume it’s going to be the best thing since the two-way wrist radio.
The latter is the Dick Tracy tie-in Apple should make if they really want to get some fast traction and make some noise with this thing they have planned. Before coming out with their smart watch, complete with a retina display, surround sound and all the other stuff they’re going to throw at us, they should release an Internet connected audio only device-something that can talk and listen but can’t play “show and tell.” If they do, I promise you, us old farts will really sit-up and take notice-because we’ll know that Apple has finally controlled magnetism and is truly set to control and master the universe!