“After an enormously successful September ’99 newsstand debut,
Maximum Linux magazine, part of Imagine Media’s Computing Division,
is all systems go for an April 2000 launch.”
“Barnes & Noble, one of the nation’s largest retail chains
for periodicals, reports that the September ’99 newsstand issue of
Maximum Linux had an 85% sell-through rate. In addition, Walden
Books had a 92% sell-through rate.”
“Maximum Linux is the ultimate resource for everything
Linux. During 2000, Maximum Linux will be a bi-monthly publication;
it will appear on newsstands six times during the year.
Consistent with Imagine’s hands-on editorial style, Maximum Linux
will focus on delivering clear, step-by-step information to improve
readers’ skill level. An editorially driven CD-ROM will be included
in each issue and will include full versions of Linux; application
demos; shareware and utilities; and upgrades that compliment the
magazine’s “how-to” features.”