
Computerworld: Simple is Sexy When It Comes to Open-Source

[ Thanks to Jason
for this link. ]

“These days, open-source software is the metrosexual in the IT
industry. It’s cool and sexy to be open-source. Those of us who’ve
been around open-source for a long time always thought that, but
now mainstream businesses and the mainstream press are picking up
on that cool factor as well.

“It’s getting so much press that IBM even paid $2.3 million to
run a Linux ad during this year’s Super Bowl to make people think
that IBM equals Linux.

“Although the publicity is all well and good, the reality is
that we as a community need to not only provide technically
superior software, but also superior usability. In my opinion,
that’s our biggest weakness in trying to attract the entire
mainstream audience. If we want everyone to use and endorse
open-source software, then we need to make it accessible to
everyone. There are a few areas of concern to work on…”

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