On the first day of the month, OpenSuSE Tumbleweed received the KDE Plasma 5.12.2 LTS desktop environment, Gawk 4.2.1, GNU C Library (Glibc) 2.27, and GnuPG 2.2.5. The second day of March brought the latest Linux 4.15.7 kernel to Tumbleweed users, along with the OpenJDK security patch. March 4th snapshot was the richest in updates as it included the recent GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 7.3.1 update, along with Autoyast2 4.0.36, ImageMagick, dpdk 17.11.1, Geany 1.33, libepoxy 1.5.0, libstorage-ng 3.3.182, and over ten updated YaST packages, including yast2-samba-server and yast2-samba-client, which replaced SuSEFirewall2 with firewalld.
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