
PRNewswire: Linuxfool.com passes on the torch to IQLinux.com

“Linuxfool.com a question and answer website has handed over
their operation to IQLinux.com through an acquisition that aims to
provide Linuxfool.com’s members with value added services.
Linuxfool.com’s Webmaster, Vlaldislav S. Davidson envisioned that
the site would attract Linux enthusiasts, irrespective of
proficiency level, experience or expertise.”

“Linuxfool.com was created in Farmington, Michigan and operated
by Davidzon Network Technologies. The site has served members and
users around the globe with valuable insights to Linux technical
support. Recognized as a resource for users, the Linuxfool site
combine ease of use with the ability to address questions about
This acquisition by IQLinux.com is in line with
Linuxfool’s initial goal of providing their users with additional
opportunities and structure to facilitate easy migration to the
Linux platform. Linuxfool users can also experience the full
functionality of IQLinux’s website, if they wish to grow an
enterprise of their own.”

Press Release

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